Our philosophy

Without borders


A small company always has to adapt to the constant changing international and domestic business environment with offering such kind of (special) services, that can distinguish itself from the competitors.

Our goals

Our fundamental goals are the financial and business reliability, with offering stability in the changing business conditions, in order to not to let the haulage costs influence the cooperation with our clients.

Keeping contact

Crossing the lingual barriers, our team is at our client's disposal in different foreign languages on a native level (as English, German and Italian languages) this helps us to keep contacts with our foreign customers, and to work more comfortably in the international business environment.

A more complex customer service

Our aim is to fulfill and keep as a priority our client's needs at the different stages of the customer care.

About us

Mr Tradesped

The MR Tradesped Hungary Ltd was founded in 1995 as a family enterprise, seated in Budapest. Since then, the company carries out international (and internal as well) forwarding and commercial activity.

It has been specialised in organizing shipments to and from, and between the countries of the European Union and in overseas forwarding.

The founders, with extensive years of experiences in the fields of commerce and forwarding, aimed to run such a company, that tries to fulfill the customers needs, as widely as it is possible.

Building upon the founder’s, the present managing director, professional experiences in international forwarding, the company has been started operating.

Our services

Transport organizing and commercial activity

Transport organizing and commercial activity

Road transport

  • Forwarding full-and partial-loads up to 24 tons in Europe
    (without any lower bound).
  • Groupage forwarding of food-products
    (fresh and frozen foods as well) to and fro Italy and Hungary.

External and internal removal - www.beneluxkoltoztetes.hu

Overseas forwarding

Railway transport

Wholesale activity

Import and wholesaling of Italian food-products.

Distribution of high quality Italian wines.

Representation of Italian clothing brands in Hungary

Organizing import and export activity

From the begennings our company is dealing with import and export activity,
as representing well known brands in Hungary, focusing on mainly
Italian food and clothing products.


Elemzések cikkek

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam bibendum, neque at imperdiet faucibus, nisi augue iaculis elit, at convallis mauris quam adipiscing leo.

Mauris eleifend purus id augue semper aliquet in sit amet ligula. Phasellus dapibus erat ut justo bibendum mattis dictum nunc aliquet. Curabitur in massa tortor, at lobortis tellus. Maecenas quis justo nulla, et elementum erat. Maecenas eget neque pellentesque purus iaculis suscipit eget et felis. Quisque sodales, ipsum vel faucibus tincidunt, ligula diam elementum turpis, a luctus odio nulla blandit velit.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque interdum sagittis dapibus. Donec consectetur nibh quis urna convallis sit amet sollicitudin dolor tincidunt. In metus nisl, pulvinar eu vehicula sed, accumsan commodo neque.

Contact us

Anytime at our client's disposal!

MR Tradesped Hungary Commercial and és Forwarding Ltd.
Adress: 1062 Budapest, Délibáb utca 6.
Tel.: +36 1 462 0811 +36 1 3429 807
Mobile: +36 30 9 248 829
Fax: +36 1 3429 807
E-mail: mrtrade




